I got into a huge fight with my fiancé and need some advice?


We are saving for a few of life’s big things like a house and wedding etc.

I made a chart and put it on the wall so we could both assess each month where we were up to and progress. We both owed about 5k so had to pay that off first and the idea of the chart was so we could see exactly how much we owed at the start and how much we paid off each month. I’ve been doing this and he hasn’t… I asked him to update his part last night then he started making excuses and obviously didn’t want to write anything down. Then he said he owed money in an overdraft as well that he never mentioned before.

I got really mad and said he wasn’t being open and honest or doing what we agreed to do and I felt like his mom asking him to do this. He got mad at me and said he wasn’t worried about the chart because he knew he was going to have everything paid off by December. I said his super relaxed attitude was worrying me.

When the fight escalated, he said he paid more sometimes than me. This hurt a lot because I ALWAYS pay my half share and we take it in turns to pay whenever we go out. No ifs or buts this always happens. I am super conscious about things being equal between us. Mostly because I’m very independent and never want to feel like I owe anyone anything. He tried turning it around to say he meant sometimes he pays more and then some months I pay more but I knew exactly what he meant and the damage was done.

I ripped up the chart and said I don’t care anymore. We went to bed but I just feel horrible and so sad today. He asked if at any point I had felt like being done with him and everything when we were arguing but I said no. He asked if I was unhappy and to be honest and I said yes I was unhappy in the moment but not with him.

Has anyone ever had a big fight about money like this and have any tips?

thank you for reading

I got into a huge fight with my fiancé and need some advice?
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