Do y'all use zodiac signs to determine compatibility in a relationship?

I’m only asking because I’m dating a Scorpio and everything I read so far is spot on about him.
He’s secretive, very sexual, controlling….. but the man is loving to the core.
I am a Pisces and I feel like if we were friends only then things would be great. However, sex is added to the mix and it makes everything worse. He’s gun hold on no commitment but he will flourish you with any and everything you want or need. He’ll spend time with me daily, provide with me things if needed, basically anything u would do in a relationship- we do. Except- he DOES NOT WANT A RELATIONSHIP. But if I try to cut all tides, he’s back being lovey dovey. He doesn’t want me with anyone else but is very blunt that he can do whatever.
I wanna let go but it’s hard. So now-I honestly want control over the situation. Lol
Do y'all use zodiac signs to determine compatibility in a relationship?
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