Imagine all the people you know were to give you like token or a pawn for different things like a token for love, token for happiness?


And imagine those tokens where equivalent to money, there is no money in this world, you have to collect these tokens from different people, you cannot spend your tokens on yourself* and deposit it once you deposit it, you'll be given whatever tokens you had received like love and happiness, health you'll have that after depositing. If this were the case do you think people would spend their tokens to give you happiness or love? People including your parents your best friends everyone you know. How many people would actually want to see you happy? They may say we just want you to be happy but how many people sincerely would give their tokens to you, choosing you out of/ over their family or friends

Imagine all the people you know were to give you like token or a pawn for different things like a token for love, token for happiness?
1 Opinion