Am I being too selfish?

My boyfriend wants to move to a different state for 4 months (ski season) and wants me to join him and help him with the rent. I told him I don't want to go and he's very upset with me saying this means I don't love him. I do but I'm not interested in being in that state for 4 months. I've never been to this particular town but I've heard it's very beautiful and he swears I'll like it. Since we both have remote jobs, he assumed I'd just go. He's telling me he can't go without me since he can't afford it himself (but tbh if he took his money put of Robin hood, he'd have enough.) He keeps trying to get me to change my mind and calling me close-minded for not wanting to go on this adventure with him. I've told him before I don't want to be in a Midwest town for extended times because I like diversity where I'm living (I'm black) and the town is like 88% white. Am I being selfish?
Am I being too selfish?
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