She still worries im needy, what can I do?


So I was dating a girl for a few months, she then started to test me and play games as she was apprehensive of a relationship due to her last one being so bad. I ended up acting needy and she gave me the "I don't want a relationship" and then "lets just be friends" as a result.

I went no contact, realised my errors and had become someone with nothing going on in my life anymore and became needy as a result, so, I changed that.

After a while we began to text eachother one or 2 messages a week and I could see she was kind of interested and intrigued because I wasn't being desperate anymore. At a friend's party she sat with me and talked all night. At the start she mentioned something like "I'm not looking for a relationship rn" however by the end of the night we ended up having sex and she was all for us going on a romantic date soon. She didn't bother getting dressed and the next morning she kept cuddling me, although she seemed to want to act indifferent to it.

I waited a few days before texting her and she responded immediately and was happy to come shopping with me. She was very happy and bubbly and would bounce into me to make contact and we even went for lunch together, and I could just tell she was feeling very warm and comfortable, at ease, even with me. She began talking about her personal life and family, she had already met mine a few times and now she seems very comfortable with them too, even texting me about meeting my mam when I wasn't around.

It's been a few days since we went for lunch and shopping etc and I'm a bit stuck. I feel like I have to soon start slowly increasing our interactions from a few texts once a week to more consistent, however I also don't want to reach out too soon.

I get the vibe that she's very happy we had sex and is enjoying being with me atm, however is also acting reserved and coy because she's worried if she begins to show more signs of interest that I'll become suffocating and needy again. Any thoughts?

She still worries im needy, what can I do?
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