Would you ever “test” your partners friends if you thought they didn’t have their best interests at heart?

I tested my ex’s best “friends” we all met at a bar my ex had to use the bathroom and I mentioned a little argument we had and said “I love her but she can be a handful hey” and not one of them alerted her to what I said just agreed and started tearing her down verbally to me behind her back before being all smiles again when she came back. After a few days had gone by I told my ex what they said and she cut them off. It was hard for her to make friends and looking back it really hurt her hearing that but I loved her and wanted her to find real friends who had her back however was this toxic? Maybe but I doubt people would stand for their partners friends stabbing them in the back in their absence
Would you ever “test” your partners friends if you thought they didn’t have their best interests at heart?
Post Opinion