What would you do if your live-in boyfriend didn't come home?

Gonna keep as brief as possible:
Been with boyfriend for over 4 years - very happy and living together with our cat.
He likes a drink with friends - I'm more introverted - that's fine - happy for him to go and socialise.
I don't want to text him whilst he's having fun, but if it's gonna be a late one, I like him to let me know - and if staying at his mates, more security wise so can lock the door.
Not heard from him at all today - went out 6.30pm to mate's down road and local pub - now almost 4am and nothing.
Phone dead, no calls or texts answered or picked up/read.
Added to this I think I may have been having an early miscarriage tonight so am in pain/bleeding unexpectedly and just desperate to hear his voice - too much pain to go down road and bang on his mate's door.
Is this unreasonable behaviour? I do get anxious and panic - spiral with my thoughts and I can feel this happening as I'm not sure if I may need to go to A&E for the pain and I need him.
Am I right to be angry about no text just letting me know what's going on?

What would you do if your live-in boyfriend didn't come home?
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