My bfs mom hurt my feelings?

We went over one day for dinner, she had made us enchiladas. She asked my boyfriend when was the last time he had enchiladas. My boyfriend to confirm was like from who from you? He wasn’t sure if she meant in general or just hers you know. So she was like well mine who else’s? My boyfriend answered and said that he had some from me the other day that I made. Then she asked me a million questions, like what kind I made and then she made some comment like asking if they were bought or if I made them. But it’s like I made them. And I don't know it overall hurt. Like I don’t have a problem her asking when he last had them, but it was the comment of who else’s?
Like I don't know that hurt me. It’s like dang I don’t matter, and it’s like I don’t do shit and also that I am not good enough for asking if they were bought. I don't know I’m just overall just kind of hurt by this. I know I’m supposed to ask a question but I don’t have one. I just need to let this out.
My bfs mom hurt my feelings?
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