Would this kind of effort be enough from someone who abused you in the past?


If they have stopped abusing you, they have taken a hiatus. Although they can still be somewhat controlling, too clingy, demanding and still gets aggressive during disagreements. As in they get in your face, call you names or try to manipulate the situation. The only thing that’s changed now is that they no longer hit you and the aggression, controlling and demanding ways aren’t as often as before but it‘s still there but they’re doing other things to prove to you they care. They’re treating your better/different in terms of intimacy and affection. They’re running you baths, buying you flowers, getting your feminine products for you, cooking for you, posting you on social media etc would all that be enough for you to forgive them 100 percent and believe that they have changed 100 percent? Or is it all just bare minimum effort?

Would this kind of effort be enough from someone who abused you in the past?
3 Opinion