How to bring up our relationship status?

I'm in the most confusing situation ever. I don't want to say we are dating because at this point I don't know what we are doing. We met a year ago, in the beginning it felt like we were together. He called me Babe really fast within days of us hanging out. I've met his friends, kids, his father knows about me. I pretty much cook and clean for him and his kids when I am there. We spend most of our nights together. We have multiple cars together. I am helping him run his business. We've travel together we even had covid 19 together. I guess I'm confused because he calls me Babe, Baby, My Love and My queen. But then there is days when he says I'm his assistant or I'm his bestfriend. I don't think it's about sex because we just started back having sex after 8 months of not being intimate. He gets really jealous whenever I'm being nice to other men. He won't say anything in the moment but he will have a sarcastic comment later. How should I open up the conversation? I want to be with him but there are days when I feel like he doesn't want a relationship with me. He also gets upset if I go a day without reaching out to him.

How to bring up our relationship status?
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