Relationship struggle?

Let me briefly tell you my story. I have been in a relationship for almost 2 years with a boy and we get along very well with some minuses. Before we were together, a man on Facebook used to write to me and strangely I liked to talk to him, even though I haven’t seen him in my life. He was an overly stressful person and obsessed with me, so I blocked him, but while I was with my current boyfriend I started missing him, so I unlocked him. I want to mention that this man is older than me by 8 years and he always wrote to me to help him study, this being a foreign student who came to study medicine in my country.

He used to me text me and I answered him and talked a lot and I really enjoyed. I feel guilty, But in that period, my boyfriend didn’t make me feel as good… and taking to this guymade me feel very good, very appreciated. We talked a lot on the phone, especially at night. My boyfriend had no idea that I was talking to this man. (It’s strange that both of his (my boyfriend s) ex-girlfriends cheated on him).

After all, I blocked this guy again because he was very obsessed again and I started to realize the gravity of the situation, namely that I loved and talk to another man on the phone and especially because it makes me feel good).

The problem is that I feel guilty about my boyfriend, I feel like I cheated on him. My heart hurts, I don’t want to break up. On the one hand, I know he couldn’t find out about what I’ve done, but I have a lot of intrusive thoughts that make me think he could find out and I wouldn’t... I don’t want to tell my boyfriend that from summer to spring I talked to this man, I feel like I would admit that I cheated on him, What I don’t want to admit to myself… the problem is that my current boyfriend has moments when he behaves very childish and makes me feel strange, but despite these facts, I wouldn’t want to break up…
Relationship struggle?
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