Why does my boyfriend like compliments from random women but not me?


My boyfriend & I have been together nearly 5yrs. We have 2 kids together & live together. This past weekend he went out with some friends & their waitress ended up hitting on my boyfriend (wrote her # on his check). He didn’t take it. He told me (which I appreciate) but it made me really jealous & I haven’t been able to get over it. Him & I talked about it yesterday & we ended up getting on the discussion of receiving compliments. He doesn’t compliment me anymore, it’s probably been 2 years since he last gave me a compliment but I compliment him all the time (not every day but I do it often). He has self-esteem issues (I do too). He said “it feels forced when you compliment me but when someone random does it, it doesn’t feel forced”. So basically when I compliment him it doesn’t make him feel good but when someone random does it, it’s nice? Heading that really hurt me bc I don’t compliment him to make myself feel good. I compliment him bc I mean the things I say but he doesn’t believe it’s genuine. I followed up w asking him what I could do that would give him that same feeling he gets when a stranger hits on him & he said “nothing bc I expect it. When your in a relationship you expect nice things.” I’m not sure what to think of this honestly. I personally don’t like it when random guys hit on me, I’d rather hear the compliments come from my boyfriend. I’m not dating the random guys, I’m dating him, so his opinion/compliments mean more to me but he doesn’t see it that way. Advice? Insight? Help me understand please. Thanks in advance…

Why does my boyfriend like compliments from random women but not me?
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