Why do I feel like this woman doesn’t like me?

I’ve been at a retail job over 2 years now and I will probably leave soon because it is really emotionally draining. I’m a college student and plan on graduating this year and going into my field ( entertainment ) So I think I need something better soon.
There’s this one woman who started off nice but I don’t trust her lol. She gives off a weird vibe and everytime I’m around her, I feel very uncomfortable and like she’s trying to intimidate me or something weird. She’s 27 and I’m 21 and I’ve heard her gossiping about other coworkers before and said one was messing up our store conversion.
Everyone knows what field I want to go into and it’s entertainment and I’m getting closer and closer so I don’t know if she’s jealous of me or not. She’s complimented me before and told me I’m pretty a few times and that she liked my makeup but those have stopped.
She used to ask about my relationship or my boyfriend ( I’ve been in one for two years ) but doesn’t do it anymore.
She’s one of the store managers by the way. Once I was being over scheduled during exam week and I was stressed out so I came into work and kinda got an attitude at her because she wasn’t available for help. I apologized after that.
I’m never late to work ( I’ve been late maybe like 2 times in 2 years but I’ve always called first ) and I’ve never called out until last Thursday. The reason I called out was because I had a story for class to finish. When I walked in the next day, the first thing she asked was if I finished the story. I was on the phone with my boyfriend so I thought it was rude she asked while I was on the phone and right when I walked in.
In the past, I was a social media manager and she followed the account I was working for and she seemed nice and like a friend but lately something about her vibe is off. I’m left out of everything at work and she didn’t tell me happy birthday lol. Also she got my major wrong twice which I think was shady. Am I overreacting?
Why do I feel like this woman doesn’t like me?
2 Opinion