Is she pretending she doesn't like me?


I'm friends with a girl and I feel like the more we hang out, the less boundaries we have with eachother. We slept together before we were friends, but when we became friends we agreed to just be friends, as she had no desire for me that way anymore.

She sets quite strong boundaries with friends and that was fine. She doesn't like touching people, she doesn't like to be touched, no flirting, no solo holidays, no getting into bed with eachother for any situation etc. Can hang out or go for walks, or go to the cinema or even come over and hang out at eachothers place during the day, but that's it.

Time has gone on and I now get mixed signals. She touches me often, however she tends to use play fighting such as slapping my arm or leg as her way of touching most the time. We get into bed to watch movies (don't cuddle) and she tends to be OK with me touching her although some days she doesn't like specific touching, so some days she doesn't mind my hand on her leg or rubbing her shoulders or feet, but every now and again she won't even allow sitting close to eachother. We're in the middle of planning a holiday away together and we hang out all the time. We either laugh at everything or tease eachother over everything. Other things like play wrestling or our legs or hands resting together at tables make me feel like there's something there.

However, on the other side she obviously sometimes doesn't want to be touched at all or she becomes neutral. She's always the one that pulls away and sometimes her body is open and comfortable wirh me basically cuddling, and others there needs to be clear space.

We've began joking about sex a lot and we tease eachother over the time we slept together too. I've called her sexy and said I'd do it again and she sometimes laughs or others gets serious and changes the convo

I can't quite work out if there's feelings forming on her behalf, or if we've just become close and she's stopping it from getting closer

Is she pretending she doesn't like me?
4 Opinion