My boyfriend lacks self discipline (self care, diet, not in shape, not clean etc) am I sexist for not wanting to do it with him?


My boyfriend is very good to me. But he's overweight. It bothers me not so much his body because I deeply find him attractive. But it's the mindset that bothers me.

I am disabled with lupus so I'm sick often. Still I make it a very conscious effort to stick to a healthy diet, work out, do chores etc.

He's unemployed right now due to some unforseen occurrences. And honestly I don't even care about money I love him that much I have my own place he has a house his dad is living in and he's living with his mom.

It just bothers me all day he plays video games or on the phone with me the past 6 months. As we are long distance couple in separate countries at the moment.

All he does is shower me with I love you I love you. Which I'm grateful for. I love him too.

I just feel frustrated like im the only one who introduced him to Bible study or moisturizing or I don't know exfoliating his face Or meditation.

It's not about the shallow outside. It's the mindset behind self care. Self discipline.

Key word is self. But he feels like I should do it with him. And to me that's a drag because he should cultivate this desire on his own. I don't mind pointing him in the right direction. But it's the doing it together that I don't know why it's so exhausting.

I brought up he's a man. Now he thinks I'm old fashioned

I didn't mean it to put him down. I just thought men didn't like to be nagged or mothered by their women. Or like coddled or chastised. That's why I only suggest it to him or encourage him instead of doing it with him which feels like hand holding.

Please help I don't think im superficial im just trying to encourage him to develop certain mental attitudes that will help him in life long term. Because I was born with a predispositioned illness. Out of my control.

It sort of bothers me u can be so young and do nothing but eat bad and no exercise.

He feels it's lazy to suggest and encourage without teaching.

I feel it's lazy to rely on me when it's self care for a reason.

My boyfriend lacks self discipline (self care, diet, not in shape, not clean etc) am I sexist for not wanting to do it with him?
4 Opinion