Weird situation with a guy. Please help me figure out what to do next?


I don't know how to proceed anymore. There is a guy in my life whom I had been intimate in the past. Everything was going great, sex and otherwise, until I found out he had a girlfriend. I broke it off with him once I found out.

He came back after about nine months and told me he's single again. I thought I could give it a try. Right away he was telling me how much he missed me and wanted to be with me.

Again, everything was awesome for about a month. Then he went out of country for vacation. He was supposed to be away for a whole month. First week we talked once a day for three days. Then he stopped messaging me. Finally I heard from him after a week. He just said "Hi! I hope you're doing well".

That was it. I replied saying that I hope he's safe and enjoying his trip.

He went silent and I haven't heard from him since. It's been over a week.

He is coming back in five days and I don't know what to do. I feel he was cold to me during his trip and I expected more.

by the way, the reason I haven't reached out first is because he told me he has to pay each time he gets a message so I didn't want to waste his money.

Do you think we are done here? I feel like's breadcrumbing me and leaning toward dumping me again.

Weird situation with a guy. Please help me figure out what to do next?
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