Who was in the wrong? and do you think his behavior is controlling and manipulative?


hi guys! last night my boyfriend and i were watching yellowstone. in the first few mins of the show something cheesy was said so i said it was cheesy and laughed or more scoffed actually, and my boyfriend instantly got mad and kept denying being mad but he repeatedly asked "WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT TO WATCH" and insisted on changing the channel. I told him more than 10 times i do want to watch the show, there's other movies and shows that have cheesy bits but are fun to watch, and he ignored me and put some random movie on and ignored my pleas. after legit 10 times he ASKED me "oh you want to watch are you sure?" as if I didn't just tell him ten times in a row that I DO want to see the show. I was pissed at this point and snapped, "you're being fucking childish I just told you repeatedly I want to keep watching and you ignored me and changed the channel" (which i think is controlling of him) and he instantly lashed out and got in my face saying "DONT YOU EVER FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN" and threw the remote towards me on the bed, and exploded and then went on a tirade screaming things like "YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOT SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB DISGUSTING CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH YOU ARE AN IDIOT SHUT THE FUCK UP" while making aggressive pointing and slashing hand gestures with his neck veins popping from anger. then he kept screaming at me "you're THE PROBLEM THAT WAS YOUR FAULT YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO TAKE IT ALL BACK AND ADMIT WHAT YOU DID WRONG IM NOT APOLOGIZING FOR SHIT" then started to COUNT DOWN FROM FIVE whilst yelling at me like a crazy person and calling me controlling (isn't demanding an apology within 5 seconds the most controlling thing?) and while I acknowledge I should not have responded to his passive aggresive behavior of ignoring me and changing the channel despite me saying I still want to watch, by cursing and calling him a child, but I thought his behavior was far more egregious and want an outsider's perspective on the whole ordeal.

Who was in the wrong? and do you think his behavior is controlling and manipulative?
6 Opinion