Why does news about first love unnerves you?


I mean it's not even an old boyfriend. A case of right person wrong time and you've been in touch over a decade. After a few years you both were normal acquaintances who dated other people and when you're single you never asked each other out. (yeah stupid). They got married and you got married after that. But hearing that they got divorced because their partner was abusive, should it make you unsettled? Move you a bit? If you're happy in your new perfect marriage with your perfect partner, would that news even make u think anything? Is it regret? Or is it just feeling bad for them.

Because all this time you dated other people but deep inside had kept news of that person and talked to them with an open heart. You only made your relationship public when that person got married. But the week you got married they get divorced. Why does it hurt to see them hurting? Is it cheating on your partner?

Why does news about first love unnerves you?
1 Opinion