Girlfriend help?

Hey everyone, so me (26M) and my girlfriend have been dating for 2 months now. It’s the best relationship I have ever been in (in the past I have been in 1 extremely toxic relationship causing a lot of trauma and major trust issues) that being said she is extremely reassuring, loving, and it doesn’t feel one sided at all, or at least has yet to feel that way. We both live in NYC which can be a very hard place to date but we are both from Utah and randomly met here as we live close to each other, so it has been great that we can relate to such an extreme as we both had religious backgrounds being from Utah. All being said, I have been single for 3 years since my last relationship and have spent a lot of time alone working on myself - insecurities, traumas and trust issues. — So here lies my questions and sorry if they get lost in translation I have a lot on my mind. Just as of yesterday the energy felt a bit off so I asked her what was up and it was the first time she really communicated to me; Saying she needs more space which is completely understandable as we spent nearly every day together for 7 straight weeks - She made it very clear she is not upset, and doesn’t want to break up which was great reassurance but I tend to overthink a bit on how to go about things. I get lost and overthink about how to give this space without feeling like i’m not getting enough quality time as well when to text her and how to text her - I don’t want to seem insecure or like I need her as I don’t, but I do love spending time with her and i would say our relationship is getting quite serious. She has also mentioned that recently she feels like she’s too much in control and has the “power” and how she doesn’t want to feel that way in the relationship which obviously didn’t feel great to her but I completely understand, so how can I take back the masculine energy and regain or even out the power in a healthy way?

Hope that made sense, Thank you
Girlfriend help?
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