Would you rather be in love ❤️❤️😍, or attached to a significant person?


Being "attached" means having a strong emotional bond or dependency on someone, but it may not necessarily involve the same depth of romantic feelings or the intense passion associated with being "in love." Attachment can sometimes be more focused on a sense of security, habit, or familiarity within a relationship without the same level of emotional intensity found in being "in love."

To be "in love" generally implies a deep emotional connection and affection for someone, often accompanied by strong feelings of passion, intimacy, and a desire to be with that person. It involves a profound emotional bond and a sense of happiness and fulfillment when together.

Do you think majority of relationships today are in love or attached?
Does being in love implies immaturity to you? While being attached seems two adults making sounds decisions.
Does being in love implies emotional/mental suicidal to you?

Knowing this would you say you’re in love, or attached?
Would you rather be in love ❤️❤️😍, or attached to a significant person?
6 Opinion