I got hurt/upset because he forgot. how to let it go?


generally my boyfriend is good at remembering a lot of things and he's also a smart person. I've learned a lot from him. anyway weve been together two years and we have a great relationship. we very much care for each other he's basically my best friend.

so one night i was at home (we dont live together) and i was just having a bad night and i was overthinking pretty bad (worse than usual). i got anxious which was normal for me, but then eventually it got so bad i felt nauseous and threw up in my bedroom. that wasn't normal and that was a horrible night for me. i told him about it the next night because i think we were both busy that day. he reacted in a way that comforted me and let me know he cared about me. he felt bad, worried, and overall just being an amazing boyfriend.

this was a couple weeks ago. however, just tonight we talked about something that reminded me of that time and i was like "lol remember that night i threw up from being too anxious" and then i found out he doesn't remember it at all.. he tried guessing which night it was and that made it worse because they were so far from when it happened.

anyway i cried instantly (and quietly) on the phone but didn't let him know because thats pathetic but it just hurt me so, so much. I don't know why. i told him that was a very bad night for me i didn't think he would forget that happened. so tonight i found out i had another level of anger. i wasn't shutting down or arguing with him like usual, i was very calm but very very upset. he was like "i never saw you acting like this, you must be really pissed", but he says he feels bad and doesn't know why he would forget about something like this. he's also asked me what he can do to make me feel better but I don't know what that is.

im pretty hurt and as irrational as it sounds, also upset. at the same time i think about how its not his fault that he forgot (?) but I don't know how to let it go.

2 mo
hello gag, would appreciate it if you dont feature my question. thanks.
I got hurt/upset because he forgot. how to let it go?
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