You’re single, but not for the reasons you think?


You’re not single because there’s nobody out there for you. Your expectations are too high. There are 7 billion people on earth and you act like none of them are good enough for you. You set standards for others that you yourself are not willing to meet.

You’re not single because you’re opinionated. You’re single because you’re arrogant and rude. And you don’t care who you hurt. You make others feel dumb by comparison, even when you know they’re right.
You’re not single because you’re ugly. It’s because you don’t try to make yourself look nice. You’re still dressing the same way you did in high school. You haven’t cut your hair or put on deodorant. You expect others to care about how you look when you don’t even care.
You’re not ugly on the outside, but you are inside. You take pride in making other people feel bad, so you can feel better. You act nice towards someone, then trash talk them behind their back. You’re a liar.
You’re not single because the world hates you. You forgot how to be lovable. You shun those less fortunate than you. You lash out at anyone different from you, anyone who doesn’t think like you, acts like you, agrees with you. You don’t listen. You think the world is attacking you. So you throw out phrases like “I feel triggered” when really you’re just upset and you don’t know how to respond to criticism.
You shun the orphans because they did not come from your own body. You turn a blind eye to those living in the streets because they are dirty. You’d rather pull out your phone and record someone’s tragedy, than help them. You forgot how to be human.

You’re single, but not for the reasons you think?
7 Opinion