SOS , why my boyfriend is acting like this?

Girliess and boys, so me and this guy been dating about 1 year (last month was our 1 year anniversary)

Lately we start getting into fights like looot , sometimes its me okey we all do mistakes and shit happens but its okey i apologize it never was or will be probleme for me to admit my mistake and say that im wrong, whats really bother me is that even after i apology and show a real regret he won't stop nagging about the subject he keep just talking untill he actually says something hurtful

He is talktive in his nature i really love that about him but sometimes its just no, he crosses the line a create a problem even if its not something serieux anyways latelty he start geting mad on whatever like the last time we fought because he missed heared me! Yes! He said that cursed him while i didn't i was talking about someone else! But i tried to talk and make things cooler

I dont know i start feeling like he doesn't care if i got mad or probably i can forgive him easly (i dont keep nagging about it) i wanna put him in his place again ( im not being toxic) but being kind and understanding doesn't seem to be solution he is really nice guy but i can't really handle those stuff i feel like i have been really easy with him

(I dont need break up with him advice please)

Should i text him first
Should i change my attitude and be harsh
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13 d
it was smallll issue but then he kept on giving it bigger than it takes even tho i was trying to break ice but he didn't respond and he didn't even text me this morning (he always do cuz he wakes up early ) so i assumeed that his phone died nd waited for him untill he's home but he blamed me cuz i didn't texted him nd this became anothe
13 d
I putted the vote randomly cuz i didn't know what to write
SOS , why my boyfriend is acting like this?
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