My bf keeps liking the every picture picture of the same girl kn instagram! Am i just overreacting?

I know this might seem stupid but this freaking annoys me. So my bf keeps liking every picture of the same girls, and they do the same back. I already told him how i felt about this and he told me he would stop cause he wouldn't like it either if i did it. But he still does it! does this mean that he just don't give a Fck about my feelings? Also there is this guy who does the same with me altho' i never like back, my bf confessed that it bothered him. He told me guys do this to secretly gets a girls attention. Does this mean this is the reason he keep liking their pictures?

Please i only want serious advice/comments

Guys what does it mean when you do this? Should i worry?
Girls what should you do if you were me?
My bf keeps liking the every picture picture of the same girl kn instagram! Am i just overreacting?
6 Opinion