Changing your Partners habits and quirks?

There are many reasons why there are so many clichés about the inability to change an Adult, especially your Significant Other. And I'm...
11 21

My stressful month

Decisions decisions After no real agreement could be reached between the owner of the house and the guy who sublets us our rooms Dani,...
1 1

Toxic people - what goes through their head, said from a former toxic person

Toxic people - we often talk about them, how to avoid them, the kind of damage they do, but often we don't ask ourselves the question -...
18 21
At Home

For the Ladies: These things make our relationship stronger, and it really is that simple!

What can I do for him today to make his life easier? What can I do today to make him smile? What ways can I effectively show my respect,...
1 2

Breaking the cycle of unworthiness

Have you ever wondered why do you keep attracting people who treat you poorly? Why are you always the friend who gives the most without...
5 10

Confessions of a Ladies Man-She's Not Yours, It's Just Your Turn

Your wife, your girlfriend, or the girls you just started dating is always emotionally cheating. You can bet that the vast majority of...
32 48

Guys! Learn how to take care of yourself!

When I was a child, I had a mother who wanted to do everything in my life and allowed me to do almost nothing. I didn't know how to...
15 43

Are you “in love” or have you “fallen in love”?

Me and a very dear friend here talked about this recently. Do you think there is a difference between being “in love” or “fallen in...
15 23

Marriage Proposals... What happens when men are ready but the women are not?

General "rule" is that men will propose when they're ready and that women tend to rush them into something they're not yet ready for,...

How to process emotions/feelings from past love?

Have you ever gotten over a love? How did you do it? In my case, I gave my all to her and I accepted what little I received in...

Boyfriend doesn’t want to marry a party girl, that a valid reason?

Been together 7 years Waiting to get proposed (I have not been subtle about it) He said within the next two years. However, since coming...

My mother is having an affair with a married man?

My dad passed away few years ago , I’m ok with my mom being with someone else but I learned the man she sees is married. I don’t know...

Boyfriend’s family caught us having sex?

Long story short, my boyfriend’s family had gone to the store for a while so we decided to get in the shower together. We were being a...

Can there be too much hugging/kissing in a relationship?

To the point where it gets annoying.
1 2

Is it infantile when a boyfriend sends heart/kiss emojis to his girlfriend?

What does a girl think when her boyfriend sends her emojis like 😘 or ❤️ over chat? Does it make her feel good or does it make a guy...
3 0

I am having problems with my girlfriend but I want her to stay. Should I get her pregnant? Will having a baby fix our relationship?

I feel like in most cases, having a child during the relationships weakest point will fix the relationship. I just have plans of...
7 20

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