My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism


As someone who is Catholic but more spiritual than religious, I tend to see more things that go on in the Christian community that non religious or people of other religions don't notice. I'll be using the phrases "anti-theists" to describe atheists who constantly attack religion. I know not all atheists have a problem with religion that's why I'll try to avoid using the word "atheist" in this take.

1.) Just because Christians have similar faiths, doesn't mean we all see eye to eye

People always assume that all people of Christians faiths are united as one. That couldn't be further from the truth. In reality there are a lot of cracks within the Christian community. Some people might interpret the bible one way and others another way. For example some people might believe that pleasuring yourself is a sin while others will say it's not as long as it doesn't control the person's life. Some claim the bible says that the world will "end" others say it won't exactly but there will be changes.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

2.) Not all Christians are zealots

Anti-theists always like to claim that Religious people(specifically Christians) don't use logic or "science". That's incorrect, in fact most Christians and religious people are open to using science. In fact, even the Vatican has a group of Astronomers working for them.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

3.) Provoking actions

Anti-theists often accuse religious people(mostly Christians) of being intolerant, sexist and hostile but in reality most Christians are not like that. What I've noticed is that anti-theists intentionally attempt to anger Christians by insulting them. Yet those same atheists become hostile when Christians speak out against those atheists. I respect anti-theist's right to criticize religion but anti-theist should also respect religious people's right to defend themselves. You can't actually think that people can constantly berate a group of people and not expect them to defend themselves.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

4.) Scapegoats

One thing that anti-theists do is blame all their problems on religion. They blame religion for starting wars. I don't know if they realize that not all wars are over religion. Wars are also over ideology, resources, territory, ambition and to overthrow tyranny. So it's very foolish to blame war on religion. They blame religion for all the bloodshed that happened throughout history. When not every atrocity that happened throughout history was over religion.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

5.) Religion vs. cults

Anti theists often try to lump religion and cults in the same catergory. While certain religions use to have "cult like" elements many years ago, The truth is they are different. A cult usually has illegal elements, religions don't. A cult tries to force people to join them through fear and threats, most religions don't try to force their views through violence. Cults live in some kind of compound and control the lives of their followers. Yes I know there are some bad apples in certain religions who go too far but they do not represent religion as a whole

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

6.) Neither side has a clean history

Whether you are religious or atheist, you have to realize neither side can claim to have a clean history. Both sides have had their dark moments in history. Christianity has the mark of the inquisitions, while atheism has the mark of Communism(Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro).

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

7.) You can't change everyone

Whether you are religious or anti-theist, you have to understand that you can't force everyone to think like you, it's like politics or sports everyone sides with one side and don't like being labeled as the "bad side". If you're atheist, respect religious people's right to believe what they want, if you're religious then respect atheists' right to not believe. This is called tolerance.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

8.) Not every religious person is a bigot

A lot of anti theists assume religion is anti-LGBT and misogynistic but in reality most religious people are not like that. Yes there are some people who use religion to justify their bigotry but they don't represent religion as a whole. There are a lot of female Christians, yet you never hear them whine about "misogyny". There are a lot of LGBT people who are Christian or part of other religions yet you never hear those specific LGBT people complain about a anti LGBT sentiment.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

9.) Not every Atheist hates religion

I've met many atheists who simply don't believe that divine powers exist but that's as far as they go, they don't care if people choose to have a religion or believe in God, they are still open to having religious friends.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

10.) A lot of atheists are actually agnostic

There are people who call themselves atheists just because it sounds "cool". I've talked to some of these "atheists". I ask them if they are 100% sure there is no divine omnipotent power. They then say "I'm not sure? I need proof." I then tell them maybe they are agnostic and explain to them what being a agnostic is. That's when they say "alright, maybe I am agnostic". A agnostic is a person who believes there is no way of knowing for sure if there is a God or not. So they are basically people who are not sure if there is a God or not. One famous person who is said to have described himself as agnostic is Bill Nye.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

11.) No matter your stance on religion don't give your side a bad reputation by doing stupid things

Not that long ago in Germany, a infamous feminist group known as "Femen" interrupted a Christmas mass by jumping on top of the Church altar while topless with the words "I am God" written on her abdomen. She was arrested afterwards. This kind of behavior gives your a bad reputation.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism

Overall, I don't care if you are religious, only spiritual, agnostic, atheist etc. I don't discriminate, just remember that forcing your views onto others will not result in a reward, all it will do is anger the other groups who feel that their stance is being attacked. Just let people believe what they want or not believe anything. There is no need to force your views onto others.

My Opinion on the Conflict Between Religion/Spiritualism and Atheism
33 Opinion