The Truth About Why I Left the Church & Now Live in Sin (Trigger Warning)

The Truth About Why I Left the Church & Now Live in Sin (Trigger Warning)

I can remember being in church before I was old enough to form proper sentences. Church used to be a second home for me. This is where I learned how to have good manners. This is where I could go to eat some good food. This is where I could play with all my friends, who felt more like cousins. It was where I could go to share my love for Jesus. Trust me, I was the epitome of a Jesus-freak. I went to all the youth meetings, YEC trips, volunteered through my church, helped out with the sign language/music portion of VBS, witnessed to any person who would listen, etc. I was a very devout christian.

But I was also carrying around a secret. Y'know we were always taught we can't hide anything from God, but I sure did try. I liked well boys. I recall wanting to kiss girls the same way I wanted to kiss boys before I was even ten years old. Let me clarify right away that I had no clue what being gay was until later in my teen life. So I had no idea what I was feeling was an actual thing or even normal. I just knew what the bible said, only Adam & Eve. One man, one woman. So naturally, I felt like I was messed up. This was the moment that I started becoming really into modesty and chastity. I thought if I pushed away ANY thoughts of anything sexual, no one would catch on to what I was really feeling inside.

But as you enter puberty, you start to feel natural urges. So of course, whenever a cute boy would smile at me, I would blush. This was exciting as well as terrifying. "What if I lose control around a cute girl??" "Everyone will know!" So my very young & naive fix for this was to be very boy-crazy & only have female friends I didn't find attractive. Each year I got older, these feelings never changed. Even if I was smitten with some dude I'd been crushing on, there was always a pretty lady who was friends with him. Then I'd almost always picture myself with her instead of him.

I think I was around age of fifteen or sixteen when I first stumbled onto porn. For whatever weird reason, it was during a sleepover at my house. Me & two of my best friends were up late watching movies on Cinamax. I don't know if other people are aware of this, but when it gets closer to midnight, that channel starts showing free soft-core porn. So our movie ends & the porno begins, first scene showing two women together. Immediately my two friends share a very audible "EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!", but I was just in shock & awe. I also remember feeling very relieved. Everything I had been wanting to do with other girls was right there on the screen. It was comforting to see that this was normal.

The Truth About Why I Left the Church & Now Live in Sin (Trigger Warning)
Those happy feelings didn't last very long though. Because as my curiosities started re-surfacing, I started questioning things. Of course, I never went to my parents or youth ministers with questions. Instead just asking around at school, which either way I got very negative answers. "It's not natural!" "Lesbos are disgusting sluts!" "Devil worshipping whores!" I lived in an uber conservative & religious small town, if that wasn't already obvious.

If I didn't already feel defective enough, these comments just broke me even more. I prayed so hard, so long every day & night for God to take it all away. I prayed to be a normal, good girl. Nothing ever changed. Feelings never went away. No matter how hard I tried to ignore them or pretend I was OK. Aside from being a closeted bi-sexual, I was also very different in more ways within my community. I was a victim of bullying almost daily. The worst case being when someone tried to force me to swallow a lit cigarette. "So I won't have to hear your stupid, annoying voice anymore." A lot of my time in high school was spent just crying & hating myself.

My parents were always worried about me. They took me to many different therapists, trying to figure out ways to help me & really know what was going on. But of course, I wouldn't tell anyone. I was a disgusting, slutty, whore of the devil. How could anyone tell their parents that? So the therapists just chalked it all up as an "emotional disturbance". Which I took very hard & completely out of proportion. "I'm disturbing." It was no secret to anyone that I was slipping into depression. It was just always a secret as to why I was. It got so bad that I started hurting myself. At first it was little ways, like snapping a rubber band against my wrist. Pinching myself & biting into my skin. Then it escalated to slapping or punching myself in the face & pulling out my own hair. I thought about cutting, but I never wanted to leave obvious marks.

To the outside world I was a very happy child, but whenever I was alone, I was completely opposite. Whatever any bully said to me that day, I took home & repeated it to myself in my mirror. Then I would pray for God to make it all go away. It never did. I started to believe the only answer was to make myself go away. That's what everyone else wanted right? I was stupid, fat, ugly, & a waste of space. I had the scissors pressed against my wrist, but my heart was wavering. I was in so much pain & really wanted to disappear. At the same time though, I still had hope God would make everything OK again. I was on my knees, tears streaming & begging continuously for a sign.

Nothing happened. I started remembering all the other times I prayed the same damn prayer & got nothing. No one was there to save me from this madness. No one was there to comfort me & tell me everything was going to be OK. I was alone, I was always so alone. This is the moment where most assume I cut my wrist for sure. Because if I lost God, there's nothing else to live for right? You're wrong, because I had myself. In such a sick, twisted, & beautiful way I finally accepted myself for who I really am. I thought, "This is me & I want a life that is mine. I'm living for myself, not anyone else." The scissors were put back in their place on my desk. I cleaned myself up in the bathroom, went to sleep, & woke up anew.

The Truth About Why I Left the Church & Now Live in Sin (Trigger Warning)

It wasn't until I was an adult & moved out of my toxic town that I started opening up about leaving Christianity behind. Yet I never told my full story to others. Just a simple, "I was gay & God doesn't like that!" I opened up to my parents though, which hurt my mom very much. She still hurts for me & says things like how she wishes she introduced other religions to me. In hope that I could still believe, just in a way that was comfortable to me. She doesn't have to fully understand, but the fact that she's starting to accept me for who I am means more than anything else. Sometimes I regret not coming to her earlier, I might of saved myself from developing anxiety disorders & depression I can't cure. But at the same time, my pain helped me to realize the truth. That there was never anything wrong with me & my life belongs to me.

The Truth About Why I Left the Church & Now Live in Sin (Trigger Warning)
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