The dark truth of Christianity, Part 2.


Okay, so I never actually wrote a 'part 1. of the dark truth of Christianity' but I did write about the toxicity of Christianity and why I regret being raised Catholic. I want to expound on what I said in those takes here now.

The dark truth of Christianity, Part 2.

Here's the deal: Thinly veiled behind the virtuous acts of soup kitchens, children's hospitals and homeless shelters lies a manifesto often preached as 'the golden rule.'

Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

This is the very premise in which lies everything wrong with Christianity.

The golden rule is not 'treat everyone the way they want to be treated.' And that's the root problem that causes Christianity to be such a destructive force in so many lives. For it dictates unto others how best to live a life according to Christian values, and if one prefers to be treated differently or live differently they are sinners who must be punished.

The ultimate blackmail.

Come to our Church, we'll give you food. We'll give you shelter, just as long as you conform to our demands and expectations in obeying God.

Fundamentally this is an abusive mindset, one of either a sociopath or a narcissist.

We see it in abortion laws passed in states like Alabama et all. The men who wrote the law believe they are doing what's right because they know what's best for people who aren't them because God told them so. After all, they are only treating them the way they would want to be treated.

Narcs often manipulate and restrain their prey by gaining power over another and then using that power to 1) prevent them from growing and 2) force them to comply, or else.

In these ways I think a strong case could be made that Jesus was, in fact, a sociopath. Or at least a narcissist.

Extremely intelligent and a master manipulator, bending the will of millions of people throughout history. Dieing heroically on the cross. Convincing followers that 'he was the way' and that only he has not sinned for his life was perfect, and all others could ever hope for was to walk in his shoes and conform, as best they can, to doing exactly whatever he wants. Or else.

Creating a legacy which stood to influence all of western society which would go on to use such reasoning to justify abuse done against the rest of the world via colonialization, garbage dumping, war and slave trade. Sea to shining sea, they said, so fuck the natives. Etc.

This treatment of other regions of the world at the hands of Christian influenced western government is nothing more than state level narcissism against third world countries, anyone with opposing world views and ideologies and anyone who challanges the authority and correctness of God blessed western societies. It's disturbing.

What's worse, we see this mindset play out in every institution where Christianity is present. Within church communities, family units, ethnic cultures and indentities and governments.

For example, at the age of 25 I finally got my mother to admit to intentionally sabatoging my love life as much as humanely possible in order to try and force me to reserve sex for marriage. She wants 'what's best for me' -- the golden rule.

Everything from being forced to go to community college and live at home until 22 instead of attend the four year college I was accepted to out of high school, to making me wait until 17 to get a drivers licence, to intentionally scheduling weekend nights with family gatherings to prevent my ability to go out and party, to use threat of cutting off tuition payments to blackmail me and control my behavior to even now in this very day discourage me from using Tinder and disapprove of myself going out to bars or being sexually active in any way. She is, in many ways, insane and toxic.

And what has caused her to become this way is her own nueroticism and fucked up upbringing as the 7th child of a couple living in poverty in the ghettos of Oakland. My grandmother never used birth control because she believed it was a sin, so she and my grandfather, totally broke, got pregnant 14 times. One after the other. She was pregnant nearly half her adult life. Seven miscarriages, eight children. One drowned in a bathtub at a young age.

My mom, being the youngest, was neglected and she is forever fucked up in the head over it. Never being properly cared for as a child, her maternal instincts are out of whack and my 15 year old brother often goes hungry. Craft mack and cheese, frozen meatballs and pasta and eggs are the only food items served, occasionally takeout from panda express or Chipotle (which are the better meals he gets). Anyway.

Because of her upbringing she has internalized self hatred over her own sexuality and obsesses over controlling and manipulating all she comes into contact with, and becomes angry and flustered if I even mention anything remotely sexual -- I'm 25 years old.

It's so fucked in so many ways that it's almost unfathomable. And while most kids are out driving on permits and losing their virginity at 15/16, my brother is a scrawny kid locked in the house who plays league of legends all day to escape. No drivers permit, no car coming for his 16th birthday (which is this august) -- hasn't even began driving school.

And, my parents seem quite happy about the whole thing. The less socializing the better -- that's what's best for him, after all. The golden rule.

Lurking beneath the food banks, soup kitchens, housing centers and children's hospitals lies a dark narcissistic and sociopathic core of the Church. One that condemns sinners to hell and teaches all the art of blackmail and manipulation. It's completely sick.

I just wanted to share this. Feel free to disagree, but I see this effect anywhere there are Christians.

Spend enough time around Christians and sooner or later they'll try to convert you, show you 'the way' and impose their belief systems onto you in some capacity or another 'for your own good.' I don't buy it.

The dark truth of Christianity, Part 2.
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