What I believe is necessary for happiness - bible talk

What I believe is necessary for happiness - bible talk

I believe that to be truly happy, you have to be willing to sacrifice your happiness for the welfare of others, or for your goals in life and that a person who pursues their own happiness and the expense of other people or at the expense of their goals will come out depressed and miserable.

Like everybody knows super models are rich but how many times did they have to say no to steal and potato chips to get that body? Everybody knows obese people have stunted emotional relationships but how many chicken wings were they able to enjoy before they became so big that it endangered their lives?

Everybody knows playing basketball is fun, but how many people play basketball during school hours and end up living in grand homes after graduation? Everybody knows reading boring literature is not comparable to a party, but when they vacation in Australia with their income, how many people will think they lived a life of self-deprivation?

True happiness comes at the cost of selfless sacrifice, if you refuse to pay the price, you will end up miserable, my mom abused both me and my dad during her entire 37 year marriage because she married for financial reasons and not relational ones and now she is angry and bitter with a husband and daughter who hate her and are waiting patiently for her to die, my dad pretends to love her cause he does not want to lose half his income in a divorce while I just try to hide how much I hate her.

My dad abused me like crazy all my life cause he thought I’d be skinnier and richer if he put more pressure on me to succeed and now my dad is angry, bitter, hateful, embarrassed, guilty, ashamed, lonely, desperate, fearful, anxious and scared almost 24 hours a day, including during his sleeping hours, because he treated his child like a financial commodity and social stepping stone and not like a beloved daughter you cherish and protect.

I knew a very selfless guy in my university who now has two Ivy League degrees, one in medicine, married to the woman of his dreams. Living the perfect life, because he was selfless and compassionate and humble.

I know another guy who was always extremely nice to everybody and he now works a medical career related to MRI clinics.

Another super selfless guy I know became a doctor and married the nicest woman ever, and has two adorable children who adore him and is dearly loved by everybody.

The way to happiness is selfless self denial, it takes a low calorie diet to look like Tyra banks and it takes boring nights in a library to become a mansion owning surgeon.

What I believe is necessary for happiness - bible talk
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