Bible Prosperity Principles Billionaires Follow

Bible Prosperity Principles Billionaires Follow

1 - Happy billionaires understand that they can’t have everything they want.

Mark Zuckerberg could have replaced Priscilla chan with a Victoria secret model but he understood there are advantages to choosing a normal looking genius over a stylish and trendy woman such as lower chance of being cheated on, less likely to be used for money, lower risk of being abandoned in old age.

2 - Happy Billionaires respect and consider their social duties.

Warren Buffett did not divorce his wife after meeting another woman because he did not want to risk his hard earned assets in a separation. Bill Gates founded a charity organization and promised to disinherit his kids when he died to teach them the value of honest work and humble responsibility and Chinese Chairman Mao sent his son to die in a war because he wanted the country to know he believes in societal equality.

3. Happy Billionaires do not focus on too many different purposes because the less you focus on, the better you are at perfecting your game.

Like Zuckerberg is all Facebook while Gates is all Philanthropy and Buffett is all investment and Paul Coelho is all authorship.
The duchess of Cambridge does not do any Hollywood acting or singing. They focus only on their own line of work.

Bible Prosperity Principles Billionaires Follow
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