What Tim Han and God taught me about success

What Tim Han and God taught me about success

Tim Han is the founder of a personal growth company called success insider

So no, I did not pay $999 to $2500+ for his motivation program cause I do not spend that type of money on wisdom teachers, but I did spend around $40 on one of his fairly expensive books, and the chapter that speaks to me the most is the one about motivation and goal setting:

He said a bunch of scientists and medical professionals decided to research top athletes in their laboratories to see why they were so successful, was it their diet? Their lifestyle? Their ankle shape? Their mother’s treatment towards them at birth? Their family genetic diversity?

The first phase of their research did not yield any results because they made one calculation error in their study: They were focusing on the symptom of success and not the personality that built it. They finally did come to an answer to their query:

The discovered the best athletes were focused on winning and not on the rewards they would get for succeeding like brand endorsements, five star hotels, celebrity interviews, mansions and private jets, the top athletes were hungry for success and not for high priced rewards.

This is where my Christianity comes in, my faith in God and fear of hell motivated me to get into a top school when I had over 12 health problems the year I applied to university. My fear of God motivated me to go from F’s in second year to straight As during my last 3 years. My fear of God motivated me to continue my goal of becoming an author after throwing away over 200 bad ideas and not having a single day of rest in 2 years (or no more than 3 days).

If I had been motivated by anything else, whether it was steak dinners, sushi buffets, fashion model looks, Hollywood status reputation, I would have failed, because my hunger would not have been strong enough to push me towards my goals, but I fought for myself and my God, and not for the perks of being successful.

What Tim Han and God taught me about success
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