Another forbidden fruit outside the garden of Eden

Another forbidden fruit outside the garden of Eden

They use blond models in social media all the time to sell the lifestyle myth: The belief you can spend 6 days a week at a spa and fitness centre, swimming and eating gourmet salad, without working a job, getting a degree, doing domestic work, caring for children or elderly family, helping friends prepare their barbecues and parties, studying, or doing vocational labour or tasks. This princess lifestyle myth is a common lie in our culture, but it’s an illusion.

The bible says that all who love luxury and indulgence become poor, you hear stories of rich people with mental disorders, brain disorders, diseases, homicidal wives who try to kill them, domestic abusers who drug and gas light them, I even had a dream that God said my life would be totally miserable and unbearably bad if I ever attained Saudi Arabian Crown Prince levels of wealth, but if I gave my money away after becoming rich, my happiness would be restored. I know people who have luxury, and they work 14 hour days to earn it. Nobody gets a free hand shake in life. There is always a price to pay.

Another forbidden fruit outside the garden of Eden
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