Do you really need religion and believe in god to have good morals?

I was dating someone for 3 months and things were going great but he didn't like that I'm agnostic and practice no religion whatsoever.

He wanted a young girl, virgin, Catholic with good morals, family oriented, in college and love kids. I had practically all he wanted except the Catholic part. He said without practicing any religion then nothing is really keeping me to have good morals or stay faithful. He just couldn't accept it and dumped me. I went from ''you're a rare gem'' to ''I can't date you anymore''.

I don't understand. I believe in the old traditional love (not the stupid modern business transaction of getting an incentive), staying faithful but just don't go to church. Do you really need church and believing in good to have good morals?
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1 y
He wanted someone that knows how to cook. I like cooking. I had practically everything he asked for except the religion/god part.
1 y
I'm a non-religious girl waiting till marriage. I just fail to see why you gotta get married in a church or do it because of god.
Do you really need religion and believe in god to have good morals?
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