How does Christianity make any sense? Hear me out?


So you have an extremely temperamental, jealous authoritarian named Yahweh who creates humanity. This being is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, a. k. a they have all the cheat codes on and can do anything. Limitations are non-existent.

So as a being without limitations, Yahweh creates humans with the capability of disobeying him even though he is prone to getting murderously angry, terribly jealous and has an authoritarian streak like you wouldn't believe. Surprise surprise, humans eventually disobey him and then he punishes them for acting as he created.

Would you punish a robot for acting within its programming that you yourself put within it? That's stupid. No seriously, that is so fucking stupid.

And then get this.. this Yahweh fella THEN comes to Earth as his own son and conducts human sacrifice using his uh.. son/self to scapegoat the sins of humanity that he himself ALLOWED them to commit by his own design! Remember, Yahweh has all the cheat codes on, absolutely nothing it can limit him unless he wants it to.

Not only that, but he left absolutely no scientific proof of his existence whatsoever. So now people have to BLINDLY GUESS IN FAITH (WHICH IS BELIEF WITHOUT EVIDENCE) not only Christianity, but the correct variant of Christianity..

All these other religions are equal in terms of their lack of scientific evidence, so if you don't believe simply based on what your parents taught you, you have to guess. If you are wrong? You get tortured forever, as if even the worst being on Earth would deserve that kind of punishment! Nobody, absolutely nobody deserves to be tortured forever. I don't care if you're Hitler times a million!

So you guys, without any evidence whatsoever.. worship a murderous, insanely jealous authoritarian who wants you to play petty guessing games to determine your eternal fate?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

How does Christianity make any sense? Hear me out?
1 y
As expected, a lot of people are having severe difficulties and elevate blind belief above evidence.

Faith is belief without evidence and what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I'm not the one that has to prove anything here 😂
How does Christianity make any sense? Hear me out?
33 Opinion