Do you ever feel like you do things just for your feelings?


My world has grown socially dull to the point that I don't think anyone other then my parents, cares about me.

I don't know what has gone wrong with people, but they are not very friendly at work. They are not friendly at Church. Around here in my state location, it is hard to find good clubs. So I had to start using the internet as place to interact with people. And now I don't feel like people online are very friendly anymore. Since I can't fix others I decided to look into my own personality for problems. Using online testing and comparing it the professional testing I had received in 2001, I found what could be my problem. It seems that whole personality is one big disorder. My current theory is, that I somehow radiate spiritual negativity.

I have found that my life has been reduced to living for my feelings. On the internet this means getting likes and points. If someone messages me privately I feel extremely lucky.

Do you ever feel like you do things just for your feelings?
2 Opinion