MY Take on life, people, and idiots alike.

MY Take on life, people, and idiots alike.

Imagine That

By Randomocity

My Thoughts

Ok, I’m just going to come out and say it. No, there isn’t any “OK”, I’m just going to say it. The world is full of stupid people. Whether you’re the normal everyday stupid, or the crazy, psychopathic stupid, you are one of the stupid people of the world. And so am I, I’m not at all trying to say I’m better than you. Literally, I am writing this book, or story, or whatever it comes to be as I sit in my grandma’s basement typing this as on a whim. Seriously, everything you’re reading is just some random shit I want to say at this moment. But back to stupid people, you will always find one in every situation you have ever been in, or will ever be in, and you may not notice who it is at times which likely means it’s you.

Let me explain myself a bit with an example. Feminists (Sorry, but as of writing this, anything with Feminists attached is some big deal so this example will stick out more) And let me just state that Men and Women should treat each other equally, and so should the races (No racism). Actually, the best way to put this is, Humans should treat Humans equally. We all live on this planet, we all face the same problems, we all know the world is going to end, and we all know we are all going to die. It’s not some shocking fact, and I sincerely would be concerned if you are just realizing this now as you read. But someone will disagree (for some reason) and say.

“You’re just a white male using your predetermined presence and political power to force your ideals onto us to make yourself feel better as you discriminate those who disagree with you.” Or something like that.

Uhh, no. I’m not forcing my ideals on anybody, if you are reading this that is of your own choice and in no way did I influence you to read this, or take what I’m saying seriously. The title of this chapter is “My Thoughts” for a reason, because that’s what they are. They are my observations of the world and society I live in based upon the experiences I have had. I’m not complaining about my life, because I know people have it far worse than me, I also know people have it far better than me but are still sad, and me looking at them, I just don’t see how. But that’s just how it is, the poor is always looking at the rich and dreaming to be in their position, and don’t see how the rich can have any troubles. Well guess what? Everybody is depressed, everybody is angry, everybody is confused, everybody is happy, and everybody has no clue what will happen tomorrow and that scares us. Just the thought of not having anything planned for the next day makes us want to have something planned. That’s from the small things like “What will we have for dinner tomorrow” to the bigger “This meeting tomorrow HAS to go smoothly tomorrow, or I’m done for” and everything smaller, bigger and in-between.

Wow, I’ve just realized I’m just jumping all over the place and I paused for a moment to think of what I should say next. What other big shocking truth do I have up my sleeve that you will most likely disagree with? I could say how I hate how the world has become, having to please other people to get what you want, letting them walk over you so you can get them to like you. That’s how you get jobs, that’s how you pay for things, that’s how you interact with each other, that’s how the world works and it’s bullshit. But I’m going to do you a favor and not complain, because why would I complain about anything that I’m not going to do anything to try and change? And you could say this is me pleasing you by you not having to read my complaints, but like I said. I AM NOT FORCING YOU TO READ THIS! And I am so serious about that I didn’t just hit caps lock, I actually held down shift, so that’s proof that I’m not a lazy ass. Anyways, I’m not going to delve deep into my psyche, explaining why I’m depressed, or why I’ve contemplated suicide, or why I don’t want to do anything because if I go out and do anything I could fail, and in life failure is not an option. There are no retries, no do-overs, and no quick saves you can reload. I hate failing, which is why I stay away from becoming more then friends with people, stay inside and play video games, and watch shows and YouTube all day long. Don’t get me wrong, I do have a job but I only got that to please my parents and to buy my videogames and more shows to watch. But screw all that noise, I, like you, like to be entertained and if you have actually read this far you are probably wondering why this book (or whatever) is called “Imagine that” and not “Woe is me, I Hate the World!”

That’s because the second title is stupid and it doesn’t have anything to do with the main idea for which I am writing. This whole thing has just been my thoughts, which is the chapter name. So after this paragraph, you will have sat through this shit and successfully reached chapter 2, where the actual story begins. So really it’s chapter 1 if you don’t count this as a chapter, but I won’t be numbering them anyway so who really cares? Alright, well here we go into the epic tale that I will literally be making up as I go along. So enjoy if you want to, your choice.


This has to be a dream, I mean come on? Whatever this is, whatever is happening just doesn’t make any sense. If I wasn’t dreaming, and this in front of me is actually happening… No, this is just a dream, a hallucination, a figment of my imagination. Right? It seems real enough, it does feel like blood running down my arm from when the window shattered. I can feel the wind rushing past me, through my hair, pulling me. I can hear the screams of my classmates, of my friends Rob, Mary, and Jenny. I can see them struggling to hold on, and the floor tearing up, the books and papers flying around. And I’m pretty sure I saw some other people get sucked in, but It happened so fast I didn’t see who. But this isn’t happening, no way it could be. It’s physically impossible… There isn’t really a black hole in the middle of my classroom, is there?

I can’t hold on much longer, my fingers are slipping, I think I’ll just let go…maybe that will wake me up… I close my eyes… And hear a voice.

“Are you fucking insane? If by chance that is a black hole it will rip you to shreds!” It yells at me, I see in my eye-lids a green figure step out from the darkness. I can’t even reply…this is just getting even more insane.

“I say let him, the worst that will happen is that he dies, right? That was going to happen anyway, so what’s the risk?” Asks a deeper voice, as a red figure walks out of the darkness the green figures left, I’m still speechless which is fine as they ignore me anyway and continue arguing.

“DYING IS THE RISK! You do know that if he dies, you die too, and so do I!” Yells the green.

“So? Like I said, it’s going to happen at some point.” The red says.

“You do know I have a say in this too, right?” I finally ask…or more rather think.

“What? You do….or is it you have been?” Asks red.

“Yes, he has been.” Green replies shaking his head, then he turns around. “Wait, what’s happening right now?” I nearly asked what he meant when I remembered and opened my eyes. The first thing I see is red, then blue, then purple, so many colors changing, merging together, and spiraling. I don’t understand what I’m seeing, and I feel so out of place here, where ever here is. I have the feeling of weightlessness, and being rushed forward, looking down at my feet, the contrast between my bland dirty shoe and these beautiful colors are astounding, I don’t belong here, I shouldn’t be here.

“Great, must have let go while we were talking.” I hear green’s voice explain.

“And would you look at that, still alive. Guess it wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” Red states snidely.

“No, it was still a terrible idea. Do you know where we are going? Because I sure as hell don’t!” Yells green.

“Whatever, not important.” Red says, waving away the problem. “Let’s introduce ourselves, I’m Tim, nice to meet you, blah blah blah.” Tim says.

“I’m Nit, the only one who seems to care about our current situation.” Nit pulls up a chair and sits… wait, can I still see them with my eyes open? As if he could read my mind, Nit replied.

“You can always see us, we are in your head so…yeah, there’s that. Oh, and we can read your mind, well not read per-say, we just know what you’re thinking all the time.” Nit pulls out a desk and begins writing things down, where did he even get the desk?

“He pulled it from your mind, since we are in your head we can pretty much do anything we want.” Tim says, pulling out some leftover pizza from the fridge. Ok, now there’s a fridge. “So Nit, since it’s such a big deal, where do you think we are going?” Tim asks sitting at the other end of the desk, eating his pizza.

“Well, literally anywhere. Black holes are believed to be connected to other black holes somewhere in space, which if that is true we don’t have much time before we suffocate and freeze.” Tim flipped to the next page.

“But black holes are always sucking things in, so if we reach the end we would just be dragged back in and eventually be stuck in the middle.” Nit took another bite.

“No, we would still be brought out of the black hole at the end. The black hole we entered has a magnetic signature, the one we are heading to will have the opposite magnetic signature.”

“What?” Nit interrupted.

Tim sighed, “I don’t even know why I bother. Ok, you know how magnets work, right? The north and south sides of the magnets stick together while the same sides, north and north or south and south, repel. Well, imagine two black holes, and each is a side of a magnet. The side that opened on earth is the north side, and the side we are headed towards is south, the exit. Since we entered north, we were magnetically charged as the south side, but as we travel through….wait a second. That wouldn’t work.” Tim bent over, putting his face in his hands as he thought.

“So you have no clue how any of this works.” Nit teased.

“Hey! To be fair, nobody truly knows how these things work, it’s all a big guessing game to see who makes the most sense.” Tim went back to writing, whatever it was he was writing.

“Yeah, I know.” Nit sad leaning back in his chair. Now I’m just watching them sit there in silence as we fly through the middle of a black hole to who knows where. Surprisingly, even in my current situation, watching them talk is oddly calming, and I don’t know how much longer we will be in the black hole but I really wouldn’t mind it if it was for a few hours, all these colors are pretty soothing, and although I don’t know where I’m going, I- hit the ground hard and roll to a halt.

To anyone who actually took the time to read this, first of all:

Thank you!

second of all:

You just wasterd however long of your life reading this, im glad i helped.

MY Take on life, people, and idiots alike.
Post Opinion