Busting Racist Stereotypes

Time to bust a false, racist steretype that the media has pushed for years, and has surprisingly come again with a man who had a shootout at a Chase Bank and a planned parenthood in Colarodo, killing 3.

According to the media, Game of Thrones is pretty true to life in that white men apparently are highly inclined to murder, particularly flipping out and mass murder.

Busting Racist Stereotypes

It's an accepted fact by most, something the media assures us is true.

And utterly false.

Are white men represented in the group of people who flip out, become evil psychopaths, and gun down random innocents? Yes.

Are they the majority--is it their "thing"? No, it's not, despite media lies. The original, most infamous school shooting was Columbine, perpetuated by several white males. But as the years went on, other racial groups happily jumped on the bandwagon of mass shootings. Consider some relatlively recent USA shootings that somehow did not interrupt the bigoted stereotype of "white men do mass shootings": (Keep in mind--when a person has one white parent and one parent of a different race, they don't count as white. Otherwise, Barack Obama and Halley Berry are white.)

Chicago, April 26, 2003: Mexican immigrant Salvador Tapia murdered six employees at a packing factory.

April 16, 2007: Virginia Tech. a South Korean student named Seung-Hui Cho murdered 32 innocent people and wounded 17 others in the deadliest school shooting in US history.

2009: Fort Hood, Texas: arab Nidal Malik Hasan, a major in the US Army, murdered 13 of his fellow soliders.

April 3, 2009: Jiverly Antares Wong: Vietnamese immigrant who murdered 13 people in Binghamton New York.

Hartford, Conneticut. August 3, 2010. A black male named Omar Thorton went to work, and shot and killed eight innocent white coworkers.

September 6, 2011, Carson City, Nevada: Mexican immigrant Eduardo Sencion shot up an Ihop and murdered 4 people. Three of whom were National Guardsmen.

April 15, 2013, Boston. Two Chechen immigrants, the Tsarnaev brothers, literally blew up the Boston Marathon.

September 16, 2013: Aaron Alexis, a black man, carried out a mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, murdering 12 people.

May 23, 2014, Isla Vista California. A biracial man named Elliot Rodger (Asian mother, caucasian father) shot and killed six innocent people.

August 2015, Virginia: Vester Lee Flanaga, a black man, murdered two his former white coworkers in cold blood on camera.

October 1, 2015, Roseburg Oregon: a biracial man named Chris Harper-Mercer (caucasian father, black mother) murdered nine innocent people at a college.

If you want to go international and bring up Europe or Australia... keep in mind Charlie Hebdo, and the Paris theater massacre.

Do whites carry out mass murders? Yes. It does happen. There are plenty of white criminals, and the FBI says for 2012, for instance, about 2500 white on white homcides occured.

Are white men particularly inclined to murder or mass murder? Is it our thing? HELL no.

Time to put a bigoted, racist stereotype in the ground. We caucasian men aren't perfect angels by any means, but we are not particularly inclined to be murderers or mass murderers. Like everyone else, we have the right to sit back in peace, and only be held accountable for our own actions, not false crimes drummed up by the media.

Busting Racist Stereotypes

Busting Racist Stereotypes
Post Opinion