Gluttony is Destroying the Western World, and Why Socialized Medicine Can't Save Us

Gluttony is Destroying the Western World, and Why Socialized Medicine Can't Save Us

Remember the first time you saw one of those ridiculous food shows on TV, where they're showing some immense monstrosity that no human should ever attempt to eat?

It was amusing, I suppose. I mean, one would want to assume that most people wouldn't eat that way, couldn't possibly eat that way, would have more respect for themselves than to eat that way. They should also understand that eating this way is arguably the most insanely selfish act on the planet:

You eat like a pig, laugh about it, watch your health degrade, and then expect everyone else to pay for your doctor's bills, because you support socialized medicine. Ever notice the people who have zero self-control and self-respect support such a concept? And why? Because the very idea actually promotes gluttony and more overeating, because they don't actually have to pay for their deterioration. Take their health insurance away and watch how fast they'll think twice about eating that triple cheeseburger with eight slices of bacon because they think it's "funny."

Gluttony is Destroying the Western World, and Why Socialized Medicine Can't Save Us

I can't watch some of these shows on TV now. Like the Food Paradise shows on Travel Channel and all that, where they show people - many of whom are obese already and laughing about how they're consuming a giant pile of odious shit - who actually live this way. Some look right into the camera and say things like, "I'm sure my doctor won't like it but I don't care, it's good." Then laugh. Oh yeah, that's real funny. You choose to eat yourself into a coma and then expect those of us who take care of ourselves to pay for you. Unbe-freakin'-lievable. I want to smack these people.

I know many people will just say, "oh, but they don't eat that way every day." I'm sorry but that's not a valid excuse anymore. It's obvious that restaurants all over the country are serving these gigantic portions (and these portions aren't exactly loaded with fruits and vegetables; no, it's only funny if it's full of fat and calories), and they wouldn't bother if it wasn't working. The demand is clearly there. And it's everywhere. As a side note, has anyone noticed that when they show some eatery in the south that the plate is just full of beige? Like they don't have any idea what a vegetable even is? No, just chowing down on that huge chicken-fried steak, fries and a big ol' piece of pie, and laugh about it.

Gluttony is Destroying the Western World, and Why Socialized Medicine Can't Save Us

The day is past when "big food" (and big BAD food) was a novelty. Now it's a thing, a trend. And it's not only disgusting, it also proves that people have no conception of how and why their health affects everyone around them, and gee, maybe that's why we're in the healthcare crisis we're in. I have no qualms about paying my taxes to help those who have real, non-self-imposed medical conditions. The guy who lost his arm fighting overseas and can't work in the same job? The kid born with leukemia (or any child born with a disease)? Those who once lived vibrant, full lives before cancer sidelined them? Here, take my money. I'm happy to help.

To all of you who are laughing at the camera, who are evidently proud of your gluttony, who are so self-involved and clueless that they can't conceive of how their total lack of self-control puts an entire country into a healthcare tailspin:

No. You don't deserve a penny. Pay for your own quadruple bypass because it sure as shit is not my responsibility. And by the way, thanks for ruining our children, too (see above, one of the saddest pictures to ever exist).

Gluttony is Destroying the Western World, and Why Socialized Medicine Can't Save Us
Post Opinion