10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

How would the Purge actually work in reality because I've got a lot of follow up questions to the rules below?

The rules:

The Purge is a 12 hour period from 7pm to 7am during which all previously criminal activity is now legal. The emergency services (police, EMTs, etc.) are suspended. The only exceptions are that government officials of “rank 10 or higher” cannot be harmed and you can only use weapons below “Class 4”. This rules out WMD. (In the last installment, the rank 10 or higher rule was thrown out).

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

1. Who voted for this?

Was it the bible thumping Christian's that appear every second something in this country doesn't go the way of the bible, because quite honestly it would be hard for me to believe the pro-lifers, the every baby is an angel, and every human life is a set of angel wings, would simply approve of people being able to blatantly kill each other. What about the rest of the godless set that aren't really cool with people murder, even for a day? I don't think the murder at will set really outnumbers this group because you are literally saying, I think it's okay that people be allowed to kill me, my family, my friends, etc.

2. What about children? Pregnant Women? Grandpa?

Again, just the mere thought of some innocent pregnant woman or child caught in the purge being senselessly slaughtered would be reason enough (among MANY others) for me to say, this is probably a f--king terrible idea. What kind of society is cool with people being able to potentially kill it's own children and it's future legally. Not only that, how does one justify killing a set of parents and thus orphaning that parents children whom we can only hope are locked safely away at home?

We've got to then pay people to go find the children, and then put them in an already taxed foster care system. How does that help any of the problems we currently have with such systems. That's just creating more of a problem. Also can we murder grandpa because he was too slow to get home in time? Doesn't seem fair or right if you're just caught out there.

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

3. Inside each and every one of us is a psychopath waiting to get out? Really?

So 364 days a year, you are just this mild mannered well respected person, and then just like that, one day, provoked/unprovoked, you pick up a weapon and start killing people? I mean, that happens in real life...but it's not, you know, legal by any government that I know. How many of us could just honestly start killing people like that? Look at the many soldiers who go overseas and technically have to potentially kill for a living, who come back completely messed about in the head because of what they've seen and done, and yet Monday morning, you just wake up like it was nothing and resume life? Does this movie know how human beings actually work?

4. Who the hell is paying for all this?

All crime. Legal. That means vandalism, looting, tagging, grenades, mayhem, destruction...who is cleaning up/and or paying for all of that the next day? How would we even be able to function...the next day? Just look at something like the L.A. riots which was for all intent and purposes, as close to a Purge as one could get...3,767 buildings were burned with over $1 billion in property damage. Six billion was pledged to help rebuild the city, but even to this day, many of those buildings/businesses burned down have NEVER recovered...and that was one city. This would absolutely cripple us financially if this happened every year. Even with nature based disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes, it can take years to recover.

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

5. ...and what if you get injured

I can only imagine, it's not just people getting killed, but injured as well. You're not limping back to work the next day because you can't even get to a hospital. When that 12 hours is up, how many people need emergency services...practically everyone out on the streets. Hospitals would be absolutely quagmires bogged down in tons of injuries ranging from the superficial to life threatening. Who's also paying for all those medical supplies, extra surgeons, and that's assuming the surgeons didn't get killed.

6. How do you know who's level 10 exactly?

There are legit people on this planet who don't even know who our current president is, let alone some senator from Rhode Island. Is everyone sent a notebook with photos and names because somehow I don't think there are actual people in this country who could right here and now identify who all are level ten people even with a picture book in front of them.

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

7. How does this help the work force?

Sure jobs would be created in terms of clean-up afterwards, but what about the current job force. We cannot just go randomly killing people and expect that tomorrow, everyone can do their jobs, because what happens to all those horribly injured and killed? What happens when the boss doesn't show up and she's like the only one who knows how to do certain tasks? Add to that, what if disgruntled employee has burned down the office...then no one has a job the next day, then what. It's disruptive. It's destructive. It causes more harm, then it helps. You can't even plan for a back up just in case job force because everyone can participate outside of level 10s in the purge.

8. How can you even legally make a case for something being perfectly legal one day and then not, literally the next day?

This is kind of like the 18 year old guy sleeping with the 17 year old girl a 1/2 hour before she legally turns 18. Is that rape if they were both consenting because she was a full 1/2 hour younger when they had sex? Is is murder if you fire the bullet, and it doesn't hit the other person until technically the next day as the video below alludes to? What happens to all that illegal stuff after 7am? How can all of it just all turn back to normal just like that. You rob the person at 6:55am, then at 7am, they start calling the cops on you...like how does that work? How the heck would the cops even be able to prove the crime happened seeing as how none of them were in service during that time.

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"

9. How would this even lower the crime rates?

Is it that we just magically don't count all the crime that happens in that 12 hours because that's not realistically an accurate portrayal of a crime rate over a year period. Who is honestly going to wait to steal, or do drugs, or even murder until the next year. How does one watch someone slaughter their family or burn down their store or rape them and just walk off like it was nothing and shake their hands at 7am and say, oh well, next year pal. Again, do they know how human beings work?

10. Wouldn't this be an invitation to our enemies?

Literally anyone not a friend of the US, could fly in a wreak absolute mayhem and walk off into the sunset. That seems like the worst set-up ever. There is no way to prevent foreign groups from using this time to settle political grudges, social grudges, anything grudges, and there would be nothing we could do about it...kind of like now, but at least we're at least saying what they are doing is wrong and illegal and trying to make it hard for them to do stuff.

10 Follow-Up Questions About "The Purge"
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