We are Fraternity Men, Not Frat Boys

We are Fraternity Men, Not Frat Boys

When you hear the word 'Frat' what pops into your head?

A bunch of loud and obnoxious guys? Immature guys who think of nothing but booze and girls? What about the movies 'Animal House' or 'Neighbors'? These films don't help shaed positive light onto the actual fraternity experience.

We are Fraternity Men, Not Frat Boys
We are Fraternity Men, Not Frat Boys

Unfortunately for fraternities, the word "frat" hurts our reputation in society. We are seen as rowdy college guys who just want to drink, have a minimal GPA and use our dad's money in college.

To a Fraternity Man, this stereotype is NOT true. We are not rowdy or obnoxious college students who just want to drink beer and whiskey till we pass out. We actually want to do well in school and have a positive influence in our community.

Why do we join a fraternity?

For Frat Boys, they join because their family was in it and to be in the party scene that fraternities throw. He will drink himself to the point of blacking out and thanks to his party nature, his GPA takes a downhill turn. He relies more on his Fraternity alumni to help him out in the future. He may even be the one who will endorse hazing just because it is a so called "tradition".

For Fraternity Men, they join to be a part of brotherhood and to be involved. He joins to make himself become a better man. Fraternity Men do not let their brothers just waste themslves away, they help eachother through both the good times and the bad times.

His Involvement?

Frat Boys: he will atbest show up... but once all the work is done and its time to party. He may show up to a philanthropy event here or there, but he's mostly there for the party afterwards or the girls.

Fraternity Men: A Faraternity Man is more about showing to an actual event, rather its a chapter meeting or a Formal. He does not let his brothers down as long as he can help it.

His Academics?

Frat Boys: Frat boys are more than likely to not care about their grades. He more than likely came to college to get out of his parents house and have a good time. He rellies more on the professor and his friends notes instead taking them himself.

Fraternity Men: Fraternity Men came to college to get a degree and make a life for himself. He wants to prove to his family and friends that he can make something of himself.

How does he Party?

Frat Boy: The average frat boy is glued to the party scene and that is all he is there for; booze and girls. You are very likely to see him at every party hosted by the frternity just to be there and to drink. He is always one of the first to be drunk and he hangs out around girls for sex. No matter what, he always somehow has a red solo cup in his hands. He always relies on his bro's to take him home or pass out on the couch.

Fraternity Men: He knows what he can hold and what he can't. You will catch him in the middle of the party and outside of the party so he can socialize with everyone else. He goes to a party to be with his brothers and to meet new people, not just for the beer.


Frat Boy: He is not called a player for nothing. He kooks up with girls for the sex and dumps them later once he gets tired of them or sees someone new. He gives fraternity men a bad name by doing this. He may seem fun from a distant, but up close, he is nothing but poison. He is the type who brags about sex escapades and not take her feelings into acount.

Fraternity Men: This is the man who treats women with respect and like they are a human being. Unlike Frat Boys, he keeps a womans dignity by not braging about it or sending her nude texts to everyone he knows. He treats women with dignity. If he just wants sex. than he makes it clear, not just lead it on.

Fraternities were created for bonds of brotherhood and philanthropy, not parties and sex like we see on TV and mass media. Fraternities are now underfire due to Frat Boy behavior or sexual assault and blackout binges. It is all sad really. We are Fraternity Men, not Frat Boys.

We are Fraternity Men, Not Frat Boys
22 Opinion