Why Men Despise LGBT & Feminist Communities

Why men despise LGBT & Feminist communities


I do not speak for all men

Someone i asked me a question on why i don't support LGBT or Feminist communities,

they asked.

"Why would you be opposed to someone else's happiness"

I thought about it, i''m not.✘

If being LGBT makes you happy, be happy, your happiness isn't causing me any discomfort. ✔

I actually have nothing against gay men, Bi - sexual men, or even Transgender people.

I'm not attracted to them, so what they do or what they want to be doesn't concern me.

I do on the other hand have a few problems with Gay, & bi - sexual women.

Why Men Despise LGBT & Feminist Communities


The number one reason i'm against these groups are because they are always saying bad things about men.

Anytime they have a story about catcalling, or about how they got fired, slut shaming,

or about how society doesn't accept them, it's blamed on men.

There are men out there like me, who have done nothing to these women, yet we're accused for being monsters just because we're men.

Every single time i see a post, or rally about LGBT/feminism, they're talking down about my gender

& expect me to support them?

That's like me calling all women sluts & asking them to support me with slut shaming.

It won't happen.

If you say "Men are dogs", i'm going to take offence to that, even though you aren't talking about me.

Just like when men call out a girl for being a slut, other women will confront you for slut shaming the girl, that's exactly how we feel when you say something bad about men.

I have nothing against Transgender women or gay men, because they obviously aren't talking bad about men.

When you talk bad about someone, clarify who you're talking about.

Why Men Despise LGBT & Feminist Communities


Honestly, when i see couples like this, i get jealous.

because that could be me.

Lesbian women make it seem like men aren't capable of making women happy.

We are fully capable, the reason you're here right now is most likely because some man made some woman happy, vice versa.

I am a christian, & i do not believe that "God hates fags".

Every single last person on earth is going to have to stand in front of & be judged by the Lord.

When you're being judged, do you really think god is going to care about your sexuality?

I have not read the bible & i do not believe the bible are words from god, i believe the bible are words based off of how god wants us to live, but they aren't his exact words.

The bible has been around too long for someone not to have edited gods way of life.

I don't doubt gods abilities or his existence, but i don't 100% believe in that book.

Why Men Despise LGBT & Feminist Communities


Some lesbians, or as some people like to refer to them as "Dykes"

dress like men because they think being lesbian means you have to be, or dress masculine,

so they dress like men.

I hate seeing women in men's clothing like that.

Imagine this scenario:

You break up with your boyfriend, and run into his new partner.

His partner is a male dressed like a female, or a ""Cross dresser".

Realistically, Would you not feel offended?

You'd have a lot of concerns, problems, questions, & issues.

Your first thought would probably be:

"He really left me for someone who isn't really a girl, but is just dressed like one?"

Would you not feel offended that your ex found someone who dresses like you more attractive?

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Why Men Despise LGBT & Feminist Communities
13 Opinion