Next Level $#! T, the PLYR meter


1-10 scale is so old school

Next Level $#! T, the PLYR meter


It is a scale for abstract measurement of individual, it is the successor of old 1-10 scale.


PLYR level is only and only used to define the cumulative key factors in individual 's personality

1. Looks (yeah, it is what it is)

2. Fun (includes all jokes, outgoing nature, hobbies)

3. Creativity (infinite)

and so on...

1 Factor = 1 R

how it is better than 1-10

1. haters gonna hate:

You cannot judge if the person you're judging doesn't like you.

(Like here simply means like, not any weird love like. Simple like as saying i like pineapple)

2. Non exponential scaling:

It gets harder to get from 8 to 9 than it is to move from 3 to 4

In PLYR scale, each R is same as other R. This helps in easy scaling.

3. No Ties:

If you ever happen to get tie just increase the number of factors, even little factors like (he/she closes down the toilet seat). Note: 1 Factor = 1 R.

4. Limitless:

no Upper bounds, go up as you can

how to scale

more R 's is better than less R 's

A single measurement starts with PLY (Person likes You)

so basically you can't start if subject doesn't like you.

Now, all we have PLY, time to add some R

find the critical factors first, add R if it is favourable and remove R if unfavourable.

(what if there's no R to remove? Simply stop wasting time on that person)


let's take female celebrity first, Miley Cyrus would do for now

of course she likes me, i am her bae, LOL( violated 1st rule for sake of example)

we have PLY

+she has face

+she is rich

+some of her songs are good

+she was awesome in Hannah Montana

we have PLYRRR

-she smokes

-she is irritating

so finally Miley Cyrus's PLYR score is PLYRR

Next Level $#! T, the PLYR meter
3 Opinion