Why I Think The Florida School Shooting Students Are WRONG.

NOTE: This is my opinion and of course I expect a lot of you to disagree with me, but considering I have the right to say my opinion, I will do it here.

Why I Think The Florida School Shooting Students Are WRONG.

Photo Taken From: https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2018/03/14/thousands-of-central-florida-students-walk-out-calling-for-end-to-gun-violence

What I think About Stricter Gun Laws and the Protests:

If I was in a brick and mortar school and a teacher told the class that we are going to protest the Second Amendment, I will decline, very much. The reason is that it's stupid. The students want stricter gun laws, but why? Okay, yeah, he can easily get a gun from a gun store. The people who sell guns look at your background to see if you have anything wrong mentally or anything like that. Of course, this kid doesn't really have any issued mental diseases that could make something like this happen. He is known to have ADHD, but if in his past he hasn't harmed himself, he's allowed to buy a gun. Even if it's the gun dealer's fault, shouldn't his parents pay more attention to him? I really think it's his parents' fault. The killer must've had been bullied or really didn't like his school, which regular background checks can't find. So, why blame the gun? Blame the parents for not being parents. What if the kid STOLE the gun from his parents. Would the gun laws be blamed or his parents? It should be the parents for not locking up the weapon very well.

What I Think About How Students Honor The Dead:

Laying on the ground is how you honor the dead? We don't do that for dead soldiers that died in combat or any other person that died by a gun! If I were to honor the dead, I would get a lot of flowers and put it on their graves, I wouldn't lay on the ground and call that 'honoring the dead'.


These students are wrong on how they are handling this. I'm sorry to say this, but weren't this generation the same generation that was eating tide pods a couple months ago? Is this what we call 'the future'. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I don't think they are the future. Thanks for reading and I hope you understand. I wrote this as respectfully as I could!

Why I Think The Florida School Shooting Students Are WRONG.
Post Opinion