Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

This is a follow up MyTake from my previous MyTake:

Save Our Libraries <3></3>

Many people believe that we have no need for libraries anymore because "they're outdated" they have "access to the contents of any library from an Ipad" and "the internet is the largest library to have ever existed."

Just a few quotes from people who responded to that MyTake.

And I have the more or less the same response to those people and anybody who believes that we have no need for libraries anymore, so why not just write a MyTake about it?

1) Digitalise EVERYTHING

Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

As a Computer Science student, I agree with people when they say "the internet is the largest library." It's true. I have used to internet to help me in my studies, as well as the physical library.

I have been studying Computer Science, ever since I was 10-years-old. When my dad introduced me to 'Scratch' as a 10-year-old and I made my first snake game on there- I've progressed in Computer Science ever since. I used both books and the internet to learn Python. I am learning Visual Basic via the internet.

But just because we can learn things via the internet does not mean we don't need books.

Technology changes so fast, you don't know what is going to happen. We could completely scrap paper books, and digitalise everything- but how do we know some hacker won't preform some kind of attack- then what are we going to do? It isn't safe to digitalise everything at this point, we are nowhere near secure enough to digitalise everything. How do you know a huge power outage won't occur, then what will we do? A number of things could happen, so while it is good to digitalise books, paper books still hold value.

Secondly, when reading a long book digitally, the large amount of screen time is not good for our eyesight. And I'm saying that from experience. When I was about 10 or 11-years-old, I read 3 300-500 page books when learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. And by the time I'd finished the last book, whenever I tried to read anything else, the words seemed blurry. Turns out, I needed glasses. It was only temporary though, for about a year, but it still damaged my eyesight for a short time period.

The benefits of the digital book was, it was free for me and easy to access.

The drawback was it damaged my eye sight for a year.

Now because I wanted the books for free, I could have easily walked up to the library and requested those books.

And plus, when I've read information online, I like to read it in a book too, just to be told the information in a different way- it's like another way my brain absorbs the information. That's me personally though it might not be the same for everyone

And don't get me wrong I'm not saying don't digitalise books, of course we should do that. Digitalised books have their perks, like one person on my previous MyTake mentioned to me that E-books have dyslexic fonts - which I didn't know was thing - but I can imagine that's pretty cool and helpful. I think we should digitalise books and keep the physical ones. Physical books have value too.

2) The Internet

Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

As I said previously. The internet is the biggest library to exist, and people talk about how they don't need libraries because they have access to the internet.

But that makes me raise the question: "What about the people who don't have access to the internet?"

For example, in college the other day, I met a kid who said he didn't have internet at his house, and a lot of our college homework is done online, so he usually stays back at college to do his homework. But what if for some reason he couldn't stay back at college? What if he wants to do homework or access the online resources in the holidays or on a weekend? Then he could go to the city library any library for that matter, because where we live, libraries have free Wi-Fi.

For the first few weeks of summer I did not have an internet connection at home, so when I wanted to use the internet I went to my local library, and I was able to use the Wi-Fi for free. If we didn't have the library, I probably would have to catch the bus to the next nearest place, McDonalds and they're not going to let me sit there for free, I would have probably had to buy a milkshake for something and even then after about an hour they probably would have kicked me out. But in the library I sat for about 3 hours, using the Wi-Fi free of charge.

So libraries also give internet to people who cannot access it at home.

3) The Parents and Young Children

Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

During the summer, when I visited the library what I always saw without fail are parents and their kids.

Kids would often run around, and pick up different books to read and I think Mondays held some kind of toddler club because there were always toddlers sat on the floor singing.

But the kids at the library always seemed so happy there. I even saw some begging their parents for: "just 5 more minutes." That reminded me of my younger self, when I used to go to the after school club for 5-11-year-olds, when I was little. And that still runs by the way, so if it's running kids must be going.

Not all parents can afford to take their kids on trips to theme parks and places like that. The library a free, safe environment where kids can enjoy themselves and it's something which is affordable to everybody.

I saw one mother, teaching her little daughter how to read at the library and I remember when they were going the mother said to the little girl: "We'll borrow this book, and come back next week and you can read another." And you might be thinking:

"Why can't she just buy the books?" "Why can't she teach her at home?"

Well, we don't know people's situations. Just because you can or would do something, it doesn't mean other people can or would. Just because you can afford something, it doesn't mean other people can. Just because you don't need something, doesn't mean other people will.

4) The Elderly

Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

Elderly members of the public visit the library a lot. I often see the same elderly people there whenever I go, like if I was to go on a morning, there's a big chance I'd see this elderly man sat in the same spot reading yet another newspaper.

I feel like this is the least we owe to our elderly. They've worked and contributed to our society in more ways than one, so the least we can do is allow them to have somewhere in which they can sit, have a chat, read a book which is safe and costs nothing.

I remember meeting one elderly woman, not at the library but on the way home from school last year, and she told me that she prefers books and would rather keep away from the internet. And if that's what she wants to do then I don't see why she shouldn't do it. She told me that my generation are born into it, so we're bound to use it and need it but she's grown up without it so she feels she doesn't need or want the internet. Which is fair enough. So why shouldn't the library be open for elderly members of the public like her?

And I know they'll be some elderly people who do want to learn about the internet and technology. And the library caters for them too, because it has free classes on the basics of things like the internet, and how to use a computer and how to stay safe online. So it can educate our elderly too.

So we should also have our libraries for the elderly.

5) Students

Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated

Students are the future of the country. And as I said previously yes we have internet, but there are definitely students who are not as fortunate as us, and they don't have access to internet at home.

I am lucky, my dad is an expert bargain hunter and he managed to find me a really good desk, at an affordable price so I have a decent workspace, not a workspace on my bed. But there are some students out there who won't have a desk at home or a decent place to study. They might live in a really small house, or have lots of little brothers and sisters who distract them- or both.

The library should be open for people like them so they can study there, again, free of charge.

Last year, when we had exams me and my best friend would always meet up at the local library to revise. She is passionate about animals and has a lot pets which at times, can be distracting, and sometimes my parents don't like people coming over, so it was suitable for us to both meet at the library so we can study together.

And when I needed books for learning I got them from the library. When my dad needed a books, he got them from the library, when I needed books because we were studying those books in English Literature and I couldn't buy them for whatever reason, I got them from the library.

And even now, I'm studying 3 subjects at A-Level. Business Studies, Computer Science and Law. Altogether the books I need for this year alone come to about £90. That is most of what I earned this summer. And the books I need for next year come to about £90 as well. So altogether, if I was to buy every book I need it would come to about £180. That's a lot of money, for me. So I borrow the books I need for this year from my college library, and my mum got me the Computer Science one which I was super happy about, so I'm glad I have that one as my own.

But I know the other two are expensive so for now I'm just going to keep borrowing Business and Law from the college library or if the books I borrow I have to give back, and can't reborrow due to someone calling them out for a reservation I'll go to the central/city library (the one which they are planning to shut down, I hope they don't shut it down) near college and get the books from there.

So the fact that we can borrow books for free is another reason we should keep libraries open.

Any Last Words?

Hopefully, this has made those people who think we don't need libraries anymore think:

Actually... Just because I myself, don't use a library doesn't mean other people don't and they may actually come in use to other people, so yeah, they should stay open.

And as for the library they plan on shutting down, I couldn't visit it today because I planned to before college but then the bus was late, so I only had enough time to get to class and even then, I was still late to class. Then class ran longer than it should have, and I didn't want to miss the bus home because my parents always worry when I'm not home on time, and again, I was late home anyway because the bus was late again. But at least I wasn't lonely at the bus stop on my way home from college, my friend was with me so I had someone to complain with- and we literally saw every bus go past us, except the one we wanted😂And he almost got himself killed by a bus going past but that's a story for another day...

As for the library, I've made a plan to go on Friday because I have a really long lunchbreak on Fridays and most of the time I sit there and end up doing nothing, so a walk to the library and maybe getting a petition sheet and getting the people I know to sign it, can't hurt anyone. Plus, I'm even going to raise it at the student union, at our college we have thousands of pupil if everyone signed I'm sure that would be enough to save the library. And turns out, if you're a student at the college you'll automatically a member of the student union so that's good- so I could go to the 'Student's Union Hub' on Friday (tomorrow is my day and I have a ton of homework) and raise that issue.

So I have a plan, and hopefully, it should help save our library.

Wish me luck guys :P

Thank you for reading :)


Why Libraries Need Saving And Are Not Outdated
21 Opinion