False Claims About President Trump

So a lady on here recently asked the question- If Trump wins in 2020 will we still have elections?

In it she proceeds to make several claims about President Trump which I find to be disengenuous at best. Because the Trump craze seems so hysterical I thought I’d respond to a few of her points and see what y’all think.

False Claims About President Trump

1) Trump has expressed desire to be elected for life after praising the elimination of elections in China. -When did Trump seriously express the desire to be elected for life? A brief Google search led me to a WP article which stated, “The president... has previously joked about serving more than two terms, including at an event in April, when he told a crowd that he might remain in the Oval Office “at least for 10 or 14 years.” If even the WP can tell it was a joke, I think we can rest fairly assured that it was a joke.

2) Trump has threatened political rivals and the free press. -When has he threatened them in a manner that’s out of the norm? Obama’s administration actually prosecuted more whistleblowers under the WW1-Era Espionage Act than all other presidents combined. “Since Barack Obama entered the White House in 2009, his government has waged a war against whistleblowers and official leakers. On his watch, there have been eight prosecutions under the 1917 Espionage Act – more than double those under all previous presidents combined” (Guardian). On the other hand Democrats at the highest levels of power have been saying that Trump is a traitor and Russian asset since before his presidency and threatened “lock him up.” Ie. “I don’t want to see him impeached,” she told senior lawmakers Tuesday. “I want to see him in prison.” -Nancy Pelosi

3.) Trump has attacked the legitimacy of US institutions including the military. -Which institutions are you thinking of? All of our institutions should be routinely questioned and not blindly believed. As someone who had a left of center perspective for most of my life (still do, but dems have moved radically left placing me slightly on the right) I find it wild that “liberals” are now saying we should trust all the institutions. Do y’all not remember the findings of the Church & Pike commissions? These are the same institutions that tried to get MLK Jr to kill himself and assassinated Fred Hampton in his bed.

4) Trump has expressed nothing but fondness for Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Erdoğan. -Trump likes dictators... ok have you seen his letter to Erdogan? Have you seen his actions in Russia which led to actual Russian deaths? President Obama promised the Russians leeway if he won re-election and the Crimean annexation occurred under Obama’s tenure.

Anyways I look forward to yalls thoughts.




False Claims About President Trump
Post Opinion