Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the first modern day 'Lord of the Flies' Experiment

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the first modern day Lord of the Flies Experiment

I live in a country where police bring military tanks to dispel unarmed protesters angry about over zealous use of force. The irony of tearing down confederate statues while at the same time using secession to create autonomous zones is compelling.

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the first modern day Lord of the Flies Experiment

When I was a kid I read Lord of the Flies. A classic example of how CHAZ will fail. Machavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and others knew all too the absence of elected representation what takes over society is brute force and strength.

Those with weapons in the autonomous zone will in the abence of lawful authority interject their will. This will be a fascinating case study in the annals of American history and we bear living witness to events in Seattle.

The secession of any territory of the United States presents some very serious legal questions. The creation of the so called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in the 6 block radius of Seattle, WA is quite fascinating. First, does seceded territory of a city mean that it is no longer part of the United States, and therefore, the Mayor of Seattle is no longer Constitutionally allowed to negotiate with the protesters? Second, because this so called territory is no longer a part of the city of Seattle, doesn't it give Trump the authority to use American military to squash everything down without having to rely on cities or governors using the National Guard (at their discretion?) Lastly, doesn't a left wing secession movement only encourage secession movements from right wing conservatives in California and Texas?

I for one refuse to give Trump the satisfaction of going in with troops under the banner of a modern day Lincoln preserving the Union.

Funny how these so called Leftist have now resorted to Trump like tactics of border security. Armed guards questions people who simply want to freely pass through. Then again...this is how ISIS began.

But let me be clear here. The solution is not police segregation. The solution is police integration. We need community policing and for officers to come from the community and be fully integrated in the community. Separation of the police from the community will only increase their community bias.

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the first modern day Lord of the Flies Experiment
Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and the first modern day 'Lord of the Flies' Experiment
Post Opinion