Why I am Very Reluctant to Talk About Politics

In response to the chaos that temporarily interrupted counting of Electoral College votes for the 46th President of the US, I listed three vital reasons why I am hesitant to discuss about politics. If you are curious or open minded, I encourage you to read myTake.

1. Afraid of Losing Friendship Over Differing Views of Politics

First reason I am very hesitant to talk about politics is I am very scared about losing my friendship over contrasting views about how to solve problem of increasing healthcare cost. I don't want to get into an argument with my friends by telling my friends that government intervention to address increasing healthcare cost. Thus, I am very hesitant to discuss politics with my friends.

Losing Friends Over Politics: My Worst Nightmare
Losing Friends Over Politics: My Worst Nightmare

2. Fearful of Retaliation from Left-Wing Supporters on Social Media Platforms

Second reason why I am very reluctant to talk about politics is I am afraid that left-wing supporters will retaliate me on social media platforms if I disagree with left-leaning social media users. Therefore, I am reluctant to talk about politics on social media platforms.

Wrath of Left-Wing Supporter
Wrath of Left-Wing Supporter

3. Unpredictable Reaction

Third reason why I am very hesitant to talk about politics is I don't know whether my parents will disown me if I disagreed with their views on free tuition plan proposed by Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders. Hence, I don't talk about politics with my parents during lunch or dinner to reduce the chance of heated conflicts over how to address the problem of increasing college tuition.

Angry Leftist in the Nutshell
Angry Leftist in the Nutshell
Why I am Very Reluctant to Talk About Politics
Post Opinion