Do guys like girls with expressive faces?

I've always known that I make exaggerated faces when I speak, but when I went through a little "mock" conversation in the mirror to see how I really looked... some of them are pretty comical and contorted... eyes, brows, cheeks, lips... any muscle in my head region is fair game. "Sideways, and slantways, and longways, and backways, and squareways, and frontways, and any other ways you can think of!" Hahah.
My voice also raises and lowers throughout it.

If I ever see it on other people, they generally have a fitting bubbly, extroverted personality - which is not how I see myself. I am rather serious, but in social instances I feel awkward, so the faces and overdone grins must seem strange.

By the title question, it isn't as much if men find overly expressive faces in normal situations an attraction, but more so if they find them bizarre or a deterrent. Any opinions on it, either way, are appreciated.
It depends.
I don't care at all / Neutral.
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+1 y
... This was not supposed to be placed on Girl's Behavior. Social Relationships or Other would have suited better. Oh, well. That's what I get for not double-checking.
Do guys like girls with expressive faces?
2 Opinion