How deal with the situation with this studious girl?

I'm very attracted to this girl I know, mostly because of her personality, but also because she's pretty good-looking. Others I know have described her as cute, but not beautiful, and that seems studious (since she dresses conservatively, hangs out with other studious people, and studies at the library a lot) but she's outgoing and very social

I asked her out on a date about a month and a half ago, and she made up excuses to not go, so I decided that she wasn't interested in going out with me. Since then, we've run into each other from time to time. I'm a little puzzled by her behavior. I think she might be a little defensive towards me, since for example, she said she forgot if she had my number to call me about something, even though she clearly had it just a couple weeks ago, to tell me she was too 'busy' to go out with me on the date. But for the most part, she still seems very friendly towards me and smiles to me a lot, but then again, she's like towards everyone.

Should I just assume she's like every other girl in that she's not interested in going out with me? Or do studious girls like her (even though she's outgoing) just need more time for you to know them? If so, should I try to ask her out again, or try to hang out with her as a friend in the hopes that she may regain interest in me?

If I should get to know her better before asking her out again, how can I do so? I don't really see her that often. I do know her cousin, after hanging out with her 1-on-1 once before, but I don't see her very often either. She also seems busy with her studies as I've asked her to hang out with me and my friends 3 different times, but each time she was busy
How deal with the situation with this studious girl?
4 Opinion