Who should be allowed to wear a bikini?

So summer is here and it's time to go to the beach, and for many people that means throwing on a bikini, or a swimsuit. But do you think everyone - no matter size - should wear a bikini? If not, then how big would a person have to be, before you don't think they should even think about it?
In my opinion, everyone should rock their bikini in the summer, they should enjoy the heat, the water and not be ridiculed or judged, 700lbs or 80lbs.

If this women can wear a bikini:

Who should be allowed to wear a bikini?

Why shouldn't this one:

Who should be allowed to wear a bikini?

This one:
Who should be allowed to wear a bikini?

Or this one:
Who should be allowed to wear a bikini?

Everyone should be allowed to wear a bikini, no matter size.
Everyone to an extent should be allowed to wear a bikini, there is a point where she becomes too big. (ex. from picture 2-3)
Only thin women should be allowed to wear a bikini.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
You can say, that if your opinion is that only smaller women should wear a bikini, then you could likely say, that this man have to stay covered up: 2.bp.blogspot.com/.../Dad%2Bbody2.png

And ony this man should be allowed to go to the beach: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/.../...c98d0dfd53.jpg

Is that not the same?
Who should be allowed to wear a bikini?
44 Opinion